Monday, June 23, 2008


My very first blog post! I've created this blog a little relunctantly, since there are so many blogs out there, and I don't want to just be another lame page on the Internet. But I feel like I have lots of write about and that this will give me a good outlet. So here goes.
Right now, my husband Trevor and I are living in Vancouver. We've been here since September 2007, and we plan to be here until next April or May, 2009, when Trevor graduates (yay!) with his Civil Engineering degree from UBC. We were married last year, June 28, 2007, so it is our one year anniversary this Saturday! We are also expecting our first baby - it's due date is January 18, 2009, the same birthday as my little sister Mary. I really want to find out if it's a boy or girl, so hopefully the tech will tell us (and will be able to tell on the ultrasound). But we still have to wait until the end of August for that. I'm going to be in Calgary from July 2 to the 13, visiting friends and family. My older sister Megan graciously let me use her Air Miles for the trip since she will be in town from Singapore! I don't have any set plans for my time there yet, only that I'm going to wing it once I get there! I definitely want to visit the Stampede, and grab some mini donuts and maybe a delicious BBQ Beef Sandwich. No one makes those like the great places at the Stampede right outside Nashville North. I have been really sick with tons of nausea and vomiting the past 5 weeks, and I'm desperately hoping that it will go away soon, and disappear with the ending of my first trimester! My first trimester ends next week, July 3rd, so here's hoping. I haven't been working since June 10th due to the sickness. I'm taking Diclectin, a med especially for pregnant women, but it's hard to tell if it's doing much of anything.
I was working through a temp agency, filling in a mat leave in a secretary position at the MS Clinic at UBC Hospital, but as I was sick and either absent or late due to it a couple of days a week, the manager there let me go. I'm not impressed with them, as the manager promised me the position if I would stick it out for at least 60 days, at which point they could hire me without having to pay the exorbetant temp agency fee, which I did. Then instead of getting hired, I was fired! But I was very stressed out about the job, and often cried at work, so I feel very relieved now. I haven't been able to get a permanent job anywhere, since the fact that my husband is done school next year always comes up and I relunctantly have to be honest and confess that we want to move back to Alberta when he is done.
So at the moment, I am eager for the nausea to end, and desperately hope I'm not one of those women who have nausea the entire nine months, and am excited about going to Calgary!